What items should I pack for the wedding day?

by | May 4, 2017

Besides the obvious in terms of clothing, here are a few other ideas:

  • Moisturizer and that special jar of face serum – well it is a special day!
  • Deodorant, perfume, body cream
  • Shoe grips or heel covers if you plan to be walking on grass (they stop those heels sinking into the ground!)
  • Small canister of hair lacquer – optional
  • Translucent professional powder ( those camera flashes can create white faces sometimes and the translucent powder won’t change the colour of your skin)
  • Touch up lipstick and blush
  • Refreshments for the day…it’s going to be a lot of fun, so you could consider that chilled champagne..?
  • Sewing kit and Hollywood Tape
  • “Chicken fillets” if you need those for inside your dress
  • Spare pantyhose
  • Phone numbers of suppliers and contact people
  • Your bridal file

It’s quite likely your makeup and or hair artist may well have some of the above in her kit. Check with her on the day. June-Rose supplies a list of these very helpful hints to her brides, with lots more information.